EFT – Declaration of Independence With Emotional Freedom Technique!

Gary Craig calls practicing EFT as – the Declaration of Independence. By independence it means freedom from negative emotions. That is, freedom that allows you to blossom and rise above whatever hidden hurdles that keep you away from performing to your highest capacity as an individual.It means the freedom to BE, DO & HAVE anything you DESIRE. That’s true freedom you see & EFT will give you the keys to unlock the FREEDOM that you yearned for so much!”The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.” – This is the most important statement & certainly is the basis & foundation of EFT – Gary Craig – Founder of the Emotional Freedom TechniqueWho can use EFT?EFT can be used by absolutely anyone. Adults, children, & even babies, can use EFT. It’s not only effective, but also completely safe to practice. You can use it on yourself, friends, family, business associates and even clients.We can use EFT to help us get as free from restriction, pain, discomfort, upset or dissatisfaction as we can. All, any symptom means that there is a disruption in the energy system of the body. When we see any symptom, we then know that there is a disruption.Here is a partial list of some of the problems from which thousands of people of all ages all over the world have gained relief through EFT. Headaches & migraines, chronic pain, traumatic memories of war, rape, abuse or molestation, fears and phobias, depression, limiting beliefs, emotions or habits, anger, rage, tension, weight gain/weight loss, nail-biting, anxiety and despair, fear of public speaking, performance anxiety, chronic negative attitude, self-doubt and self-hatred, confusion and foggy mind, all kinds of cravings and addictions, many kinds of physical illness, nightmares, fear of dentistry & much more has been dealt with successfully by EFT.My Personal Experience: I was addicted to ‘OTRIVIN Nasal Drops’. It’s a medical drug that helps to decongest the nasal passage to provide relief. Unfortunately the drug is a habit forming one & I just couldn’t do without it. I tried all other kinds of medications & treatments to get rid of this drug but to no avail. I must have been using it from the age of 9 till age 25! Around 16 years & thousands of bottles down! I thought to try EFT on it & I was completely skeptical of its effectiveness.But as I had nothing to lose, I gave it a shot & something miraculous happened. My addiction of 16 years simply melted away in just a week of using EFT on it! This is not a joke but a 100% fact.As EFT practitioners, we are supposed to be responsible beings. Hence, whenever asked, it’s best to say that EFT’s success rate has been very conservatively estimated at 20% to 60%. However, in my own use & practice of EFT, I’ve experienced a much higher rate than that – almost 95%! – using EFT on myself, and on clients and groups.

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